Oil Paintings SAM Paintings

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Oil Paintings SAM Paintings Under the name SAM Paintings, Simone van der Meeren creates figurative oil paintings. SAM stands for Simone Anna Maria. Simone aims for high quality in her artistic expressions. Each painting she creates carries a special and positive meaning. She produces both independent works and commissioned paintings, including portraits of people and animals.

Her style is magical realism and sometimes surrealistic. Simone's personal preferences lean towards Dali and René Magritte, as well as Pyke Koch, Carel Willink, and Ans Markus. After years of drawing lessons and experimenting with various materials, Simone desired to take the next step and learn oil painting. She spent a year studying with Ans Markus, where she learned about color usage and the Alla Prima technique. Simone also holds great admiration for the works of Johannes Vermeer, with their clear colors, refinement, and detailed images.

To hone her skills in the techniques of the old masters, including underpainting and glazing, Simone studied with Peter van Oostzanen for several years. Simone enjoys painting people and animals, feelings and emotions. Her intention is to "touch" people, to encourage them to look again, to see more, to feel, to discover, to recognize.

If you have any questions about commissioning a painting or about taking drawing or painting lessons, you can contact Simone by phone at +31 (0) 630063037 or send an email to info@sam-paintings.nl or fill out the contact form.